Issue Position: Jobs and the Economy

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

As a proven job creator and small business owner Kimberly understands how to bring jobs to the district. As someone who owns and operates five local small businesses, Kimberly knows what is needed to help businesses thrive and create jobs. We must keep jobs in Pennsylvania and discourage businesses from outsourcing our work overseas.

Supporting Small Businesses

Small businesses are a majority of the private workforce. Over the past fifteen years, small businesses have been the primary source of job creation. Kimberly believes we need to make it easier for small businesses to acquire loans and start-up funds, and work to reduce health insurance costs for business owners.

Investing in 21st Century Infrastructure

Pennsylvania's roads, bridges, sewers, and other infrastructure has been in dire need of repair for years. Fixing these problems will not only provide quality work for Pennsylvanians, but it will also create a signal that Pennsylvania is open for new businesses to take advantage of new infrastructure. This too creats jobs, improves quality of life, and rebuilds the tax base of our communties.

America spends half of what other developed countries spend on infrastructure. Cuts to infrastructure growth and repair need to be reversed. Instead of more tax cuts to the wealthiest members of society, lawmakers should focus on building the foundation for a 21st century economy.
